You can't get Rayquaza on Pokemon Pearl. You have to MIGRATE it
You cannot catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl. You will have to have caught it on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and migrated it to Pearl. Then you have to catch it at Pal cant catch rayquaza in pearl. you can only migrate from ruby,sapphire,or emerald or use cheat with action replay. you have to migrate it from ether Pokemon rudy/sapphire or emerald To get a Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl you will need to trade with Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. To access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver you need to show Professor Oak a Kyorge and Groudon. This will give the player a Jade Orb that can be used at the Embedded Tower to access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. This Rayquaza can be captured and then traded to Pokemon Pearl.
you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl
You can not catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl. You can get Rayquaza in Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire at the top of the Spear Pillar. You can transfer the Rayquaza to Pokemon Pearl through the Pal Park which is unlocked by defeating the elite four and obtaining the national dex by seeing all of the Pokemon in the sinnoh dex. The only other way to catch a Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl is by getting an action replay which is a cheating device you can buy at a Gamestop or other stores that sell video games. The cheat code to catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl is called the Pokemon modifier code. The code number is 94000130 FDFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 00000890 01ED0001 D0000000 00000000 DA000000 00000892 DC000000 00024620 C0000000 0000000B D7000000 00000000 DC000000 00000006 D2000000 00000000 You have to press L+R and then there will be 493 master balls in your item bag. Throw away the masterballs until it reaches the No. of the Pokemon you want to catch. Then you go run in some grass and press L while running and the number of masterballs you have will represent the number of the Pokemon. For example: You said that you wanted to get a Rayquaza and the No. for Rayquaza in the pokedex is 384. So that means that you would throw away 104 master balls and then press and hold the L button and then run into the grass and a Rayquaza will come.
Rayquaza is not obtainable anywhere in the region. However, if you have Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald and you catch Rayquaza there: you are able to transfer it over from one of those games through Pal Park. Keep in mind that you must have beaten the Elite Four in Pearl, Diamond or Platinum;and you will have to transfer five other Pokemon along with Rayquaza to Pal Park; and those Pokemon can NOT know any HM moves whatsoever.You can choose any Pokemon you want. If you choose your strongest most powerful Pokemon, you may have to start your game over.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
You can't get Rayquaza on Pokemon Pearl. You have to MIGRATE it
You can't find Rayquaza it in pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum. You just migrate it in Pokemon Emerald, ruby and saphirer
You can't without hacking. or in sapphire ruby or emerald.
You cannot catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl. You will have to have caught it on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and migrated it to Pearl. Then you have to catch it at Pal cant catch rayquaza in pearl. you can only migrate from ruby,sapphire,or emerald or use cheat with action replay. you have to migrate it from ether Pokemon rudy/sapphire or emerald To get a Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl you will need to trade with Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. To access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver you need to show Professor Oak a Kyorge and Groudon. This will give the player a Jade Orb that can be used at the Embedded Tower to access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. This Rayquaza can be captured and then traded to Pokemon Pearl.
you can not get rayquaza in dimond, pearl, platinum, black, and wite. you can get it in gold, silver, heart gold, soulsilver and emereld
you cant find rayquaza on diamond or pearl its from Emreld
you have to migrate from Pokemon emerald or trade in the GTS
You will need to migrate from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
You can't find rayquaza in pokemon platinum.
You can find Rayquaza in map 13.
There is no such thing as a "super form" for Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza, and there is no way to obtain these Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl without the use of an external cheating device. However, you can capture these three Pokemon in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald and import them to your Pearl game through Pal Park on Route 221.
You have to trade Kyogre from Pokemon Sapphire, and you must trade Rayquaza from Pokemon Emerald.