to evolve kadabra, you need to trade, and when you get it back, it will be an alakazam
it sounds crazy, but it's true
hpe this was useful :-)
From the pokemon expert
You'll have to trade your Kadabra in order for it to evolve.
You need to evolve Kadabra. By trading your kadabra it will evolve.
to evolve kadabra,you must trade with other people to make it evolve to alakazam
You can't evolve Kadabra unless you trade one.
Kadabra evolves through a trade, into Alakazam.
in order to evolve kadabra you have to trade it
To evolve Kadabra you must trade him.
There is no city, you must trade Kadabra to evolve it.
Kadabra can only evolve by trading.
You'll have to trade your Kadabra in order for it to evolve.
You need to evolve Kadabra. By trading your kadabra it will evolve.
to evolve kadabra,you must trade with other people to make it evolve to alakazam
You can't evolve Kadabra unless you trade one.
Kadabra doesn't evolve by level you must trade kadabra to a friend to evolve it into alakazam then take it back.
No, the only way to evolve kadabra is through a trade. So get one of your friends that has a kadabra and trade and if you want trade back.
Kadabra will evolve once it's been traded to another player's game.
kadabra will evolve only if you get a link cable and trade it with a friend. kadabra (even trading) will not evolve inless its at least lv. 30 and is traded...