Actually, yes! Violets CAN be eaten, and I have heard that they are quite tasty, too.
violets vultures volcanoe
Vultures are living animals. Viburnum, violets and vinca are flowers.
the residents around the town who are mad and they tap their foot
van (toy) view master violets (have kids draw these) vacation photos or souvenirs
hell if i know that's my question i think their around the dogs pin in the petting zoo somewhere
no. they eat berries, animals, and if they are really hungry, humans.
African violets are not poisonous to pets if they eat a little but not a daily diet. Warning; Cats love to eat African violets, maybe give your cat some cat grass so it will possibly leave your violets alone.
They are of low toxicity and will cause irritation in the mouth and possibly nausea
A laughter moth caterpillar will normally eat dandelions. However, they also eat other flowers such as daisy's and even violets.
African violets do not taste like grapes. I don't think they would be good for us to eat, although they are not poisonous unless you ate an abundance of them.
According to the below source in the related link, definitely not.IMPORTANT African violets are NOT viola and are NOT considered edible.
No it is not. Violets is the plural noun of violet.
Sweet Violets was created in 1882.
March Violets was created in 1989.
Violets for Your Furs was created in 1941.
The ISBN of March Violets is 978-0670824311.