You cannot get thoose.Becuase it could brake it.Like i did when i was 6.(im 16 right now)
Neither, Go with an Acekard 2i. The Acekard 2i is the Acekard team's current top of the line card, that will work on the DSi and 3DS consoles as well (the Acekard RPG / Acekard 2's can't do this).
No. 3DS games are not compatible with the DSi XL.
you cant do it not in less you have a 3ds
Yes, it can.
the reason it does this is because the acekard 2 and acekard 2i are not real they just scam your money if u need somthing good get a xraid card at it lets u download all different games cheats and movies for your ds dsi or ds lite and dsi XL what rocks is that 1 card works for all systems your pal Zack
You can purchase downloadable 3DS games as well as DSi ware from the Nintendo eShop.
The 3DS can play DS and DSi games, and most DSiWare games will be available for download/transfer from an existing DSi when the eShop launches in June.
Neither, Go with an Acekard 2i. The Acekard 2i is the Acekard team's current top of the line card, that will work on the DSi and 3DS consoles as well (the Acekard RPG / Acekard 2's can't do this).
for games you can buy them, download dsi ware, buy acekard 2i or R4i card online (acekard 2i preffered) and download games onto it from (onsite, click ds, then ROM list). for music, download in any format and convert to AAC using itunes or tunebite (itunes is easier) then download to SD card.
No, dsi games work in a 3ds, wont appear 3d though, but the dsi does not have the ability to play 3ds games.
No, the Nintendo DSi and the Nintendo DS cannot DS download 3DS games including Mario Kart 7
No. 3DS games are not compatible with the DSi XL.
The 3DS transfer tool allows you to transfer DSI games from a DSi to a 3DS.
Yes they do work but I wouldn't recommend using them or else Nintendo will brick your system. Currently, there are many R4 3DS cards which can on 3DS console, such as R4i SDHC 3DS, r4i gold 3ds, acekard 2i and so on. But all of them can only run DSi games, no r4 3ds card can run 3DS games.
No, 3DS games can only be played on the 3DS.
That is not possible. You can transfer DSiWare games from DSi to 3DS, but not the other way around.
The DSi downloads games from its own DSiShop, and the 3DS downloads games from its own eShop.