Yes you can make your char look very differrent from everyone elses. Its hard look exactly the same as som1 else
rob a store that has 1 lol
No, Not at the moment. The devs will add it eventualy though hopefuly
No you can only play for half a month.
Sorry, but you cannot.
It varies depending on the age of the child. There isn't any blood nor cursing in SWG but I would still suggest it to be a 12+ game. It attracts mostly mature players with an extensive range of Star Wars knowledge so it might not be the best place for young children.
Star Wars Galaxies happened in 2003.
Star Wars Galaxies was created on 2003-06-26.
Yes. Galaxies was shut down about a month before Star Wars the Old Republic opened.
star wars galaxies is one, it came out long ago. star wars the old republic comes out soon. it will be better
You choose it as a starter profession.
$15 per month
go on ebay.
Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Lightspeed - 2004 VG was released on: USA: 26 October 2004
There is a star wars mmo called star wars galaxies but you have to buy the software and pay 15 dollars a month
If you mean for Star Wars Galaxies. . . i am an expert. I play on bloodfin. It is a kit that helps you get started on the game with an in game iinstant travel vehicle. With extras to help you get through the game. My characters on Star Wars Galaxies are, MOstakil Aohi and Gosroto.
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