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You can't; it's Ethernet or nothing.

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Q: Can you connect a ps2 to the net using usb modem?
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What does a modem do to enable a ps2 online?

If nothing else is connected to the modem you can use a ethernet cable to connect the ps2 to the modem and the internet. If you also have a PC then you need to put a router between the modem and PC and also connect the PS2 to the router which will allow both the PC and PS3 to work off the same modem

Can you get online on a PS2?

yes, but you need an ethernet cable from a modem to the ps2 then set it up on a game that's has net play

Does ps2 slim need wifi for the internet?

No it can connect with a ethernet cable to your modem or router

How do you play online on ps2 slim?

Connect it to the internet with a ethernet cable from the PS2 to your router to your cable modem and then put a game disc that has on line play into the PS2

What do you need to connect to the internet on ps2 in fifa 09?

You can't connect your ps2 to the internet, and there is no online play on the ps2. It's only the ps3 that you can connect to the internet. (CORRECTED) Sorry i do not have the answere but you can put internet on ur ps2 cause why would they brinng out games with net play

How do you get internet for PS2 and how do you do it?

you can connect it with many different ways. The easiest one is to have a wifi connection and to connect a laptop with a ps2 via a Ethernet cable. for more info go onto youtube and type in how to connect a ps2 to wifi using a laptop. Hope this helps.

Where can you buy the ps2 Ethernet cable?

Just buy any Cat 5 or Cat 6 ethernet cable. The only concern you should have is about which length you purchase. It needs to be long enough to connect from the back of your PS2 to the Modem or router

Can you connect a psp with a ps2 and play games on it?

Your thinking about the PS3 not the PS2. The PS2 can not connect with the PSP as they don't work together

How do you connect a dualshock 3 controller to a ps2?

You cannot connect a Dualshock 3 to a PS2.

How do you connect to the online using bsnl 3g usb data card in the Playstation 2?

You don't the PS2 can not connect from USB data card

Where does the Ethernet cable go into on the ps2?

it goes into the ethernet cable input in the back of your PS2 and into the modem or rouuter

What kind of adaptor do you need for your PS2 for online play?

You need cable or DSL internet and a router connected to your modem if you also have a PC and then just connect an ethernet cable from you router to the PS2 ethernet port that looks sort of like a large phone plug