You can trade a Clefairy for a Mr. Mime near of Diglett's cave, near Pewter City. You can go from Diglett's Cave near Vermillion City. This may require HM01 Cut. Otherwise you go south from Pewter City. It is just outside. You need HM01 Cut to get there.
MrMime can only be got by trading with an in-game character who wants a Clefairy. He is located in a house in Pewter City at the end of Diglet's Tunnel.
You can find psyducks at Seafoam Island
In the dark cave or victory road.
saffrom city grass areas
Yes, in Vermilion City near the gym.
You can win Mr.Mime in Cerudan City, in the Gambling hall for 6500 coins.
forest area safari zone
MrMime can only be got by trading with an in-game character who wants a Clefairy. He is located in a house in Pewter City at the end of Diglet's Tunnel.
to my knowledge,you cannot catch a dragonair in yellow version, but you can catch dratini in the safari zone
you can only get mr mime if you trade from fire red or leaf green
You can find psyducks at Seafoam Island
In the dark cave or victory road.
you can get it in one of the slot games in kato but u need 2222 coins from the slots
in dowling middle school in Pokemon yellow version
Mewthree is a fake rumor. So, you can't catch it.
saffrom city grass areas That's the easiest way.