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Yes. You can catch Latias OR Latios. It depends on what game you're holding on to right now.

They can only be found by random in tall grass or water when you've heard about the two from Steven. For Steven to come, you have to fix the Power Plant by retrieving a gear from a Rocket. Then go to Saffron City and meet up with the "Copycat", who is in the second floor of a pink house. She wants you to find her Clefairy Pokedoll. You can find it in the Vermillion Fan Club. Then exit, and you're stopped by Steven. Kind of complicated, but easy.

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Q: Can you catch latias and latios in hgss?
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How do you catch latios and latias in platinum?

you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)

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No, you can only get Latias in Sapphire and Emerald and Latios in Ruby and Emerald.

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For Pokemon ruby you can catch the three regis, rayquaza, groudon, and latios/latias. In sapphire you can catch the three regis, rayquaza, kyogre, and latios/latias. However, in emerald you can catch kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, the three regis, and latios/latias.

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after catching latias/latios YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CATCH LATIAS/LATIOS TO MAKE A HUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does the enigma stone do?

It will helps you to catch Latios or Latias

How do you catch latias and latios in Pokemon FireRed?

That's not possible latias and latios are caught in ruby, sapphire or emerald you must trade them to firered to get them.

Can you catch latios if you already caurt latias?

u can't get

Where do you catch a latias on platinum?

Latios is unavaliable in Pokemon Platinum.

Where do you get latias and latios in Pokemon perla?

you cant catch latias or latios in diamond/pearl. you can migrate latias and latios from emerald, ruby, sapphire. in case you dont know, you get latias/latios at the end of the game and the mother tells you what color(red-latias/blue-latios) the guy on tv says. the hard part is to find it. it randomly appears any where on hoenn.

Can you catch latias on SoulSilver? can but you need the Enigma Stone from the wifi i think.then you can catch latias in ss or catch latios in hg.i hope that is maybe wrong because i have not catch latias in ss

How do you catch latias and latios in Pokemon diamond?

need to migrate or trade

How do i catch latios in emerald after I've caught latias?

randoom agen!