Yes, both of the Snorlax can be caught. You're not required to catch both of them, though, and can catch one and faint/flee from the other.
You don't. You get it from a trade from another Gen lll game like FireRed or LeafGreen.
you can not catch snorlax but you can by honey and put it on certin trees and you can catch a muntchlax and evolve it with friendship
Unfortunately there are no wild Snorlax in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. The Snorlax must be traded from Firered or Leafgreen, or gained using a gameshark.
After you reach Celadon city there should be 2 snorlaxes blocking the path to Fuschia city, if you have the pokeflute use it to wake the up and battle them. They are POSSIBLE to catch.there are 3 snorlax in firered/ leaf green. they are all slepping in the road and blocking your path. use the pokeflut to wake up a sleeping snorlax and battle as usuall.oops, two usually below lavender town and 1 by celadon city(left)
Black Apricorn: Heavy Ball -- Big enough to catch heavy Pokemon like Snorlax
No.. However you can soon afterwards. there are 2 oppurtunities for you to catch snorlax. buy u balls in celadon and try the snorlax outside the cycle road
You don't. You get it from a trade from another Gen lll game like FireRed or LeafGreen.
Snorlax is in two locations to the west of celadon city and to the east of vermillion city just use the pokeflute to wake it up. Didn't catch it? Get the purified snorlax from Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
He doesn't...
get the pokeflute.
trade from firered or leafgreen
Use the pokeflute.
Use the pokeflute.
you can not catch snorlax but you can by honey and put it on certin trees and you can catch a muntchlax and evolve it with friendship
Easiest way to get snorlax is to weaken it to red hp, paralyze it and throw lots of ultra balls you can make this easier if you save before trying to get it because if you fail to catch it you can try again.
u can have a snorlax by catching n evolving a munchlax that is catch in honey tree
You pay the SNORLAX the prize money and go to the Pokemon center you've bin to last.