

Best Answer

you can go to route 114 then go down to the beach to catch regice if you surf to a hidden cave just past the people swimming.for regirock go to the sandstorm on your path to stark mt. look for an opening.registeel go to iron island do every thing with ridly then when you did that go all the way deep at the end of the cave and he will apear :)

okay, smiley face, dont lie --' you need a special regigigas to make them appear in the places you listed --'

i agree with the first answer its true i tried it

edit again by z-orbak:LIAR! my first edit says it all.

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Q: Can you catch all regis in platinum without getting regigigas?
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Can you catch regice regirock registeel on platinum after getting regigigas to level 100 that you catched it on pokemon platinum?

No; you cannot catch the three Regis in Platinum, UNLESS you have obtained a special Regigigas through some special events.

How do you catch regsteel without regigigas in Pokemon platinum?

only with a hacking device.

How do you catch regigigas in Pokemon platinum without action replay?

You can only get regigigas only after beating the elite 4 and getting the national dex. It will be in snowpoint temple and you have to have registeel,regirock and regice in your party.

How do you get regigigas on Pokemon emerald?

You don't. You can only catch Regigigas in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Where can you catch regigigas in Pokemon platinum?

in the snowpoint temple

How do you get registeel in platinium?

Sorry dude, you can't get registeel in platinum without a cheat. But you can catch Regigigas in Platinum, but you'll need all three of the Regis to get him.

How do you catch registeel with regigigas in platinum?

that doesnt make sense

How do you catch regigigas in platinum?


Were do you catch regis in Pokemon Platinum?

You have to have a special Regigigas from an event.

How do you catch the regi trio in platinum?

you need event regigigas

Can you catch regigigas without cheats?

Yes, if you have the three Regis, you can go to Snowpoint Temple and catch it at level 70 in Diamond and Pearl and level 1 in Platinum.

What do you do after catch regigigas in platinum?

Fight the elite 4 and just train your Pokemon