You cannot catch it without cheat codes because the Marowak is a scripted special Pokemon "ghost." If you really want a Marowak, you can get one by evolving a cubone or catching one on Victory Road.
you have to go to lavender town, with a silph scope. when you get there go into the Pokemon tower and go to second floor. you can only catch gastly and haunter
You can't. The only possible way is to use a gameshark. but you can catch a marawak on Victory road.
Yes, in the original series Ash goes to Lavender town after he lost to Sabrina at the psychic gym. He is searching for a ghost pokemon to get an edge on Sabrina. He finds Lavender Tower and enters hoping to find a ghost pokemon he can catch.
Because Ghost Pokemon can't see in the dark.
You cannot catch the ghost in the Pokemon Tower until you reveal what it really is.
You catch them with a pokeball, like all the other Pokemon. In first gen games ghost Pokemon can be found in lavendar town
Sprout Tower.
Giratina(Ghost & Dragon)
You can't first you have to get a sliph scope
You can get Cubone by catch it in Pokemon Tower (The place fill with a lot of ghost pokemon_)
u have to have a silph scope so that ghosts are seen as actual Pokemon in Pokemon tower
in lavender town where the towers at with ghost dbzpokeyu
You catch a ghost pokemon, preferably Gastly, and train it up until it has learnt it.
only ghost types and you cant catch the cubone and the marowak because its part of the story
You cannot catch it without cheat codes because the Marowak is a scripted special Pokemon "ghost." If you really want a Marowak, you can get one by evolving a cubone or catching one on Victory Road.