After you've released them from the tower in ecurteak city they can appear anywhere in the grass. The best way to get one is to go in random bits of grass while using a repel. If your first Pokemon in the party is level 40 only entei raikou and suicune will show up if they are. Your Pokemon that is level 40 should be a gastly/haunter/gengar that knows mean look. This way the Pokemon can't flee. If it manages to flee look in your pokedex. The pokedex will now show the current area the Pokemon is in. If you fly there however it will move. So carry on flying to 1 town and checking the pokedex each time. IF the Pokemon is near go into the grass and get it.
I think you can with action replay or pal park. But the rest is trading
if you played Pokemon red and green you should know who red is in this game he's the strongest trainer you will ever fight in the game if you want one of the hoenn or kanto starters you must scale mt silver and defeat him.
Yes, the friendship can go higher, but not the level or HP. You can give your Pokemon a soothe bell, a massage, or a haircut if you a playing Silver, Crystal, Gold, Heart Gold, Souls Siver, Diamon, Platinum, Pearl, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, or LeafGreen. Otherwise, I don't know.
You evolve isdreavous with a Dusk Stone, and in Black and White you can find Misdreavous in the Dark Green Grass Across where you find Slowpoke's. I caught mine a Boy Level 58. Misdreavous most likely to use Perish Song And Press A Rapidly for ANY Pokemon, even in Pokemon Black and White, I think it works in all Pokemon Games Such as Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Saphire, Pokemon Leafgreen, and Pokemon Firered. Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Saphire are in Generation 1. Pokemon Leafgreen, and Pokemon Firered are in Generation 2. Pokemon Platinum, Diamond, Pearl, Heart Gold, and Pokemon Soul Siver are in Generation 3. Pokemon Black, and White are in Generation 4. Hope This Helps! Your Welcome, Hope you enjoy The Misdreavous information and the extra information! Ps: I have no account on
It makes Pokemon that get attracted get attracted back. E.g if female milotic used attract to my male houndoom and my houndoom is holding destiny knot then milotic would also get attracted to my houndoom! Cute ae
In Pokemon Soul silver or silver or gold, the legendaries you can get is Lugia, Suicune, Entai, Raikou, Mew and Mew 2
no and there will never be
You can buy the toy at shop for Pokemon :)
at the ice path
you can not get honey in Pokemon siver
link trade from heartgold
The Whirl Islands
everywhere everywhere
in pokemon silver you have to beat the kimona girls then talk to the old man
i think its black
You can catch a Phanphy on route 45.
Wifi Event but its over now