No, Pokemon like Togepi, Pichu, Elekid, etc, cannot be bred. They must evolve first - so to get a Togepi, you need to breed Togetic or Togekiss.
You can't, you either breed a togepi or Action replay. You can only get a Togepi in Pokemon Platinum cheat free.
Togepi is not a legendary Pokemon.
You can't get Togepi in Pokemon Yellow. Togepi does not exist in that Pokemon generation. (:
From the mystery egg Mr. Pokemon has you give to Professor Elm and then is later given to you. The gender of the togepi that hatches is random. If you did get a male then you can try evolving it (through friendship) and then breeding it with a ditto. You have to evolve it because togepi can't be breed. And ditto can be found in the patch of grass right outside the daycare (it's sort of rare so you might have to search for a while). Just keep breeding until you can hatch a female togepi from one of the eggs.
No, Togepi is not a Legendary Pokémon.
I can breed you a togepi
You can't, you either breed a togepi or Action replay. You can only get a Togepi in Pokemon Platinum cheat free.
You can breed your Togetic, Togekiss, or Togepi in the Pokemon Day Care with a Ditto.
One cant catch a Togepi from the wile, you are given an Egg from one of Professor Oaks aids, and once you have walked 5000 steps a Togepi will hatch from the egg. You can also breed the Togepi with a Ditto to get more Togepi eggs.
The only way to get Togepi is to trade from another game. The best way is to breed one in Firered and trade the egg over.
The man on the island in the east part on the water labyrinth will give you an egg that hatches into a togepi. Or you can snag togetic in Pokemon Colosseum and breed it on 4 island and hatch a togepi.
no it cannot. there are auctually severel Pokemon that cannot lay eggs of their same species. some of these Pokemon are, ditto, togepi, and legendarys.
The day care center in/near goldenrod city; the place where you get togepi.
The egg in Emerald is a Wynaut. To get a togepi egg, you need to trade either a Togepi or Togetic over from another game (usually Fire Red or Leaf Green) then breed the pokemon with ditto (unless the togepi/togetic is the rare female, in which case any male pokemon from the fairy egg group will work).
In Pokémon SoulSilver in order to get a second Togepi you will first have to breed for one however you would have to evolve your Togepi into Togetic once it has maximum happiness in order to breed it and then once you have Togetic you can have either a male one breed with Ditto or you can have a female Togetic breed with Ditto or male Pokémon such as Togetic, Togekiss, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Fearow, Golbat, Crobat, Doduo, Dodrio, Aerodactyl, Noctowl, Xatu, Murkrow, Honchkrow, Skarmory, Swellow, Pelipper, Altaria, Staravia, Starly, Chatot, Unfezant, Sigilyph, Archen, Archeops, Ducklett, Swanna, Woobat, Swoobat, Rufflet and Braviary.
Yes, but it is usually easier with a female.
Togepi is a good name for the Pokemon named Togepi