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No only latios and latios can mate.

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Q: Can you breed a ditto with a latios?
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How many people think that you can breed latios and latios and how many people think that you cant breed latios or latios?

to many to count dude but u can do it al u need is a ditto and either latias or latios

Can a latios mate with a ditto?

sadly no.also FYI: latias and latios cant breed. not unless you use an AR code.

Can you breed latios latias raquaza Groudon Kyogre and mew all with ditto?

No, the only legendary pokemon that can breed with a Ditto is Manaphy, to make the pokemon Phione

Can you breed Blastoise in FireRed?

Yes, but you must breed it with a Ditto, if you can find a Ditto, you can breed every other Pokemon with it except for legendary Pokemon, including Heatran, Latias, and Latios, who all have genders but they are unbreedable.

Can you breed a latios with a latias?

i think so. maybe they can because they like one-another. Different person: No, you cannot. They can only breed with a special pokemon called Ditto.

Can a latios have a egg with a Ditto SoulSilver?


Can you breed latias with a Ditto to get an egg on heartgold?

yes. leavethem in the daycare center and you will eventually have an egg.

Can Snorlax breed with Ditto?

any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto

Can you breed a latios in Pokemon black maybe because its a boy so just maybe.?

Yes, but you need a Ditto. You can find Dittos in the Giant Chasm.

What can breed with latios?

nothing. latios is an uber, and no ubers can breed. in fact, the only legendary to breed is manaphy, and you dont even get a baby manaphy, you get a phionie( If that is how you spell it) HAHAHAHAH you said phionie- not trying to be mean it just looks hilarious!!!!! lol I don't know how to spell it either... Hey does it count if you put it with a ditto???

Can you put latios in day care witt Ditto and get a egg?

No, Latios cannot be bred.

Can grotle breed with a Ditto?

anything can breed with ditto.