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yes you can you just gotta hack your game but it might screw your game up real bad .but only a 99 out of 100% chance of that not happening but have some fun with a broken game! it only works for leaf green and fire red! sincerely Pokemon master 980! p.s. do not try that at home.What? no, that's not possible. you cannot breed legendary Pokemon.If you want mew go to cerulean cave right where you caught mewtwo do not use action replay or bring max repels or escape ropes do not save the game until you reach the room before the room where mewtwo was, ok first before u enter mewtwo's room put mewtwo first in your party and ditto second and remember do not have a action replay in use and don't have any escape ropes or max repels in your bag or mew will not appear after you have done all this mewtwo and ditto will both be out of there pokeballs and will start to dance (NOTE: mewtwo and ditto must be very happy for them to dance.) once they have danced a shiny light will flash 3 times and than mew will appear make sure you have a weak Pokemon to battle mew as mew is lvl 1 and alot of great and ultra balls a Pokemon like bulbasaur should work.

^^^ ACTUALLY, This is all untrue (the paragraph about Curulean Cave, I mean.)

The only legitimate way to receive a mew is by event or trade with a Japanese version of your game that obtained mew. Sorry man.

ACTUALLY! yes you can on monday nights at 20:00 game time there is one place on a mountian where clifaries dance around a pool that if you surf into the reflection of the moon you might catch a levil 30,35, or 100 mew.

this is by Puppiesluvbella, if this question was asked by my account you didn't have to answer my cousin or brother are pretty much obsessed with Pokemon they must've asked that question now anyone YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION AT ALL SORRY FOR MY BROTHER AND COUSIN :'( im disappointed in them!

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Q: Can you breed a Mewtwo and a ditto and get a mew?
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If you breed Mewtwo with ditto do you get mew?

No, Legendary Pokemon cannot be produced by breeding. No legendary will produce eggs with Ditto, apart from Manaphy, which will produce Phione eggs.

Can you breed a Mewtwo and a ditto and get a mew in Pokemon black?

Mewtwo is a legendary Pokémon, therefore it cannot breed. If you want a Mew you'll have to trade it from one of the previous games.

On Pokemon LeafGreen can you breed mewtwo and Ditto?

Mewtwo cannot breed with any Pokémon including Mew. The logic behind it is first its a Legendary and its a clone.

Can mew and Mewtwo breed?

Mew and Mewtwo cannot breed because they are both legendary. Mewtwo is just a failed clone of the original Mew.

Can you breed Ditto with mew two?

I don't think you can "breed" Pokemon at all in heartgold. well i am somebody different from the other guy but yes you can i breeded twice in pokemon heart gold my fist one was 2 pikachu's and my second one was 1 ditto and a pikachu to get a pichu and it worked :)

How can you breed mew and Mewtwo to get mew three?

no. mewthree is a lie

Can you breed Mewtwo and mew together?

No, you cannot breed Mewtwo and Mew together, they are both Legendary Pok

Can you breed a mewtwo and a mew to get mewthree on Pokemon pearl?

No, it is impossible to breed Mewtwo and Mew with any Pokemon or for any Pokemon. Their Egg Group is No Egg, which prevents them to breed.

Can dito and espion breed to make mew?

The answer is, No. Ditto cannot breed with Espeon to make Mew

What Pokemon can breed with Ditto to make mew?


What does a Mewtwo and ditto make?

Nothing, legendary Pokemon, such as Mew, Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, and Lugia cannot be bred with anything.

What happens when you put a mewtwo and a ditto in a daycare center in leafgreen?

Nothing, because Mewtwo can't breed. None of the legendary Pokemon in the game are able to breed.