yes to do that put it in the day care with another aipom or ditto and that's it.
Aipom does not evolve in emerald
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
Only if the Ambipom is Male and knows Bounce. If it doesn't know bounce and is Female, breed it with a Male Ponyta, Rapidash, Wailmer, Wailord, Spoink, Grumpig, Buneary, or Lopunny who knows bounce.
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
You puy honey on a honey tree. Aipom evolves at level 32.
no sorry
how to catch the aipom
put honey on a tree for aipom but for ambipom evolve aipom
we get an aipom from anywhere check your pokedex
Aipom is a Normal type pokémon.
Aipom does not evolve in emerald
Aipom evolves into Ambipom.
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
to get aipom you need to put honet on those yellow trees and when the tree is shaking you mightfind aipom if you r lucky(hehe)
Aipom has to learn Double Hit then level it up again. (Aipom learns Double Hit at level 32)
Only if the Ambipom is Male and knows Bounce. If it doesn't know bounce and is Female, breed it with a Male Ponyta, Rapidash, Wailmer, Wailord, Spoink, Grumpig, Buneary, or Lopunny who knows bounce.
aipom learns Swift at level 24