No you buy the ninja suit for 1000 coins AND you HAVE to be a member to BUY it =)
You need to be a member to buy clothes.
You have to pay money so you can get clothes and other puffles... I got over club penguin
You must be a member, have the black ninja outfit and you dance whilst wearing it! Hope I helped
its not in club penguin you gotta buy a member ship card to be a member on club penguin or just be a normal penguin you don't need to a member to go on club penguin so go have fun!
There is no way to get into a member room unless you download a Club Penguin trainer. In some Club Penguin trainer's you can go into member rooms.
you have to be a member on club penguin to be invisible you have to pay if you have to be a member?
You can't. You have to be a ninja and a member to be invisible.
club penguin elite force is a game for theNintendo DS and also you cant, become a member, but you can be a member on club penguin.
That's not possible. You have to be a member to play Club Penguin.
First go on the club penguin home page and then at the top of the club penguin page click on membership then (you must have a penguin before you become a member) then click how long and how much you want to be a member for then type in your penguin name and password then fil in the details.Thanks for readingginny 1181 (club penguin name)georgie (real name) :)
get a ninja suit
That is not a club in club penguin. Don't put it under club penguin if its not.
You have to pay to become a member.
Become a member!
You need do buy it.
become a member
no you have to pay with credit card or you can buy club penguin ds where it comes as a member