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I think it's possible to beat; if you look under the middle when you start there is a yellow circle inside a bigger one.. There are also unlighted circles. Basically you need to do missions; if you do 3 then you advance to the next level. Once you get high enough, there will be double missions; 1 mission with 2 jobs. Personally I've gotten to level 5; I think either on level 8 you either beat it or it doesn't end, like a free-roam option when you beat a video game (you can just walk around the game doing w/e.)

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Q: Can you beat space cadet pinball?
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What is the real world record for 3d pinball space cadet?

I have the true world record for pinball I got 999,312,435,231,427,987.I got it by playing pinball loads of times pausing and putting my laptop on standby. Beat that suckers

What is the record high score on the space cadet pinball game?

the world record for space cadet pinball is 1,218,750. Achieved by a 9 year old named Alison Renner.

Where can you download Space Cadet Pinball for MAC?

I don't think you can.

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What are the release dates for 3D Pinball for Windows Space Cadet - 1995 VG?

3D Pinball for Windows Space Cadet - 1995 VG was released on: USA: 1995 (PC version)

What is the highest score on space cadet pinball?

The Highest Space Cadet Pinball Record was 405,752,755. That was scored by Malachi Barlow. I did better: my record is 491,713,500, doing 4 maelstrom mission.

Where can you download 3D Pinball Space Cadet for Mac OS?

There is no standalone version of the Space Cadet pinball table for Mac OS. You can purchase Full Tilt! Pinball, which includes this table. This game will not run on Intel macs without an emulator, however.

Cheats for 3d pinball space cadet?

imax, gmax, rmax

How do you do missions on 3d pinball space cadet?

You cant for goodness sake it is impossible

Is it possible to install Space Cadet Pinball on Windows Vista?

It is possible to download Space Cadet Pinball on Windows Vista. Just download the file and click run. Then install it to the default location to find it in the Games menu like in previous versions.

How do you cheat on space cadet pinball?

get cheat engine 5.5 and use that. I got over 8mil. :)

What are some cheat codes for 3d space cadet pinball?

hidden test or hidden ball