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You cannot make ghosts on Sims 2 at all, not even on the expansion pack 'pets'.

However, once a sim dies, if you move their ashes outside (they will become a tombstone) sometimes at night the ghost will appear and haunt the grounds surrounding the house.

If you then bring up the cheats box (ctr + shift + c) and type in: 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' without the quotes, shift click on your ghost and options should appear. You should come across an option that says 'Make Selectable' in capital letters. Then, you can see the ghosts needs and wants and fears (they will have frozen since your sim died) although you can't control it.

With a living sim, the closest you can get is by doing the boolprop thing I mentioned before and then shift clicking on the staircase in your house. If you then click the option that says 'walk...' there should be a choic that says 'like ghost'. the sim that is active will then float like a ghost!!! However this cheat does tend to kill your sim and a message may appear saying '[sims name] died on another lot' so attempt at your own risk!!!

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Q: Can you be a ghost on sims 2 pets?
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