I assume you mean the level 10 Dracomancer ability. No, there is no way for a free-to-play player to become a dragon.
The only 2 possible ways to become a dragon are:
Dragon King via Z-token Dragon King weapon(s)
Level 10 Dracomancer via Guardian
MMORPG: Runescape Adventure Quest Worlds RPG: Adventure Quest Mech Quest Dragon Fable Warp Force (Adventure Quest Expansion)
you have to have verified either a upgraded : dragon fable,mechquest and adventure quest accounts
It comes randomly.
By calling forth the power of the fire dragon
it will takes a lout of people to kill the dragon
no you don't have to buy or download adventure quest. It is free. BUT! if you want to become a member you have to pay adventure quest worlds is a monthly payment but adventure quest, dragon fable, mech quest and warpforce is a once in a lifetime payment
Go to dragonspine and do dragon riders quest to get a fire dragon to ride.
yes it is permanent
as a pet yes
as far as i know, no. However you can finish the black dragon box quest and in the end you get a dragon
MMORPG: Runescape Adventure Quest Worlds RPG: Adventure Quest Mech Quest Dragon Fable Warp Force (Adventure Quest Expansion)
there is adventure quest, adventure quest world, fight my dragon, the eclipse, death of horror, wizard 101 and i think there is one on adventure quest world +
you have to go to dragonstone.
from the golden dragon!
You cannot.
in the pet shoppe
adventure quest