

Best Answer

Yes, you can. You score the S plus points for all letters in new word. You do not count bonus squares already used.

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Q: Can you add an s to words on scrabble?
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How many s are in Words With Friends?

There are 5 S's in Words With Friends. (The prior answer noted that there were 5 S's also in Scrabble. This is incorrect. In Scrabble, there are only 4 S's; Words With Friends features an additional S in its letter distribution.)

How many S's are in words with friends?

There are 5 S's in Words With Friends. (The prior answer noted that there were 5 S's also in Scrabble. This is incorrect. In Scrabble, there are only 4 S's; Words With Friends features an additional S in its letter distribution.)

Can you Add s or es to princess?

To form the plural of words ending in 's', you add '-es'. Princess, princesses.

What does s' and 's mean?

You should add 's to the singular form of the word, such as James's hat. In other words, the hat that belongs to James ' Add 's to plural forms that do not end in s. Such as the children's games. . Add s' to the end of plural nouns that end in s. Such as, the cats' toys or the countries' laws. . Add 's to compound words such as my mother-in-law's money. , Add 's to the last noun to show joint possession of an object, as in Jack and Mary's house

How do you pluralize words that end with o?

add -s hobos

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What is the rule for word that you can not add s to such as fish?

the rule is when there is 'sh' in some words we cant use s

What words can you add a s to most words that end with o?

Nouns ending with -o that form the plural by adding -s to the end of the word are:autoscameoskangarooskilosmemosphotospianossolosstudiostattoosvideoszoos

What is the plural of borrador?

The plural of "borrador" in Spanish is "borradores."

Will you help find words that break the rule change y to an I and add es also add s when word ends vowel y?

Monosyllabic words ending in -y add -s: fay - fays day - days Plus, words ending in y that are being cited as words remain unchanged: my - mys (or my's) Otherwise, the main exception to this rule is personal proper nouns, which retain the "y" and add "s"; this is common with people's last names: Kelly - Kellys Kenndy - Kennedys etc. In addition, many words ending in -ey sometimes the -ey and add s: storey - storeys (also stories) etc.

If word ends with th do you add s or es?

It depends on the word. Most words ending in "th" simply add an "s" to form the plural (e.g., "mouths"), while a few words add "es" (e.g., "baths"). It's best to consult a dictionary if you are unsure about a specific word.

Can you add an S onto a word in Scrabble and build a word onto it in the same move?

You can if the word you build contains the "S" you added.