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The targeted card is free to be activated in chain to MST as long as it's spell speed 2, or 3.

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Q: Can you activate the trap card mystical typhoon destroys?
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Can you activate your face-down Scapegoat if Mystical Space Typhoon targets it?

Yes, you can. Scapegoat is a Quickplay Spell card, so its activation can be chained to another Quickplay Spell card, such as Mystical Space Typhoon.

What if you activate mystical space typhoon and you want to destroy his 1 trap card on the field which is hidden and the opponent declares to activate it does it resolve?

Cards resolve in the opposite order that they are activated in. So, your Mystical Space Typhoon will be chain link 1, and their Trap will be chain link 2. That means their trap will resolve first, and MST will resolve afterwards.

Can you mystical space typhoon a mystical spacetyphoon?

yes, but it would be useless to do that. you would be better off to wait for a better card

Is mystical guillotine a real Yu-Gi-Oh card?

Mystical Guillotine is not a real Yu-Gi-Oh! card it is an anime-exclusive card; however, it does share its art with the OCG-version of Tragedy.

Does a flip effect activate when the monster is destroyed by the effect of another monster?

Flip effects will activate if flipped manually by Flip Summon, or when attacked. Also must include "FLIP" in all caps for its effect to activate, or say 'when this card is turned face-up'. For example if a monster such as Guardian Sphinx is flipped face up by an attack or an effect (spell, trap or monster), the effect does not activate, because only a Flip Summon triggers it, not a generic flip. When a card effect destroys a face-down monster, the monster is destroyed and flip effect isn't activated because the monster never flips. Mystic Swordsman Lvl. 4 destroys the monster it attacks without flipping it, so a Flip Effect monster attacked by it will not get its flip effect. To summarize, if a FLIP effect monster is attacked while face down, then it will activate. But if it's destroyed by a card effect while face down then it won't activate. Some card effects let you flip monsters face up and let the flip effect activate, like book of taiyou. But others, like ceasefire don't let it activate. If it says 'when this card is flipped face up' then you have to do that manually on your own turn.

Related questions

Can you activate your face-down Scapegoat if Mystical Space Typhoon targets it?

Yes, you can. Scapegoat is a Quickplay Spell card, so its activation can be chained to another Quickplay Spell card, such as Mystical Space Typhoon.

What happens to Mystical Space Typhoon's effect if it targets your face-down Scapegoat but then you activate that Scapegoat?

You will resolve the chain in reverse order. Scapegoat will summon the four 'Sheep Tokens' but its card will remain on the field for a moment. Resolved cards on the chain only go to the graveyard after the whole chain has resolved, or, when something destroys them. Mystical Space Typhoon's effect will resolve next, destroying the Scapegoat card and sending it to the graveyard. Lastly Mystical Space Typhoon's card will go to the graveyard.

Can you mystical space typhoon a card destruction?

Yes, but why? Mysical Space Typhoon only destroys cards, it doesn't negate them. Chaining MST to Card Destruction will not stop it from resolving as normal.

Will Mystical Space Typhoon have no effect if it targets your face-down Scapegoat but then you activate that Scapegoat?

Mystical Space Typhoon will still resolve fully, but Scapegoat will have resolved first, before it did so. Mystical Space Typhoon is not a negation card, all it does is destroy a target, and in this situation, it did just that. It would not be accurate to say Mystical Space Typhoon has 'no effect' here because it did still resolve fully. If any card looked for spell card resolutions, or card destruction, the above scenario would trigger them. However apart from that, the Mystical Space Typhoon is doing nothing more than destroying a card that was about to go to the graveyard already.

Can Mystical Space Typhoon destroy a monster that is equipped to another monster in Yu-Gi-Oh?

If you or your opponent activates Heavy Storm and you chain by activating Mystical Space Typhoon and target the activated Heavy Storm, the chain resolves backwards. The effect of Mystical Space Typhoon destroys Heavy Stormas it is placed on the field when activated. However, the destruction of Heavy Storm does not negate its effect and, as it is Chain Link 1, its effect resolves last destroying all Spell and Trap cards on the field including the activated Mystical Space Typhoon.

Yugioh Can a quick play magic such as mystical space typhoon be used on a normal magic card suchas heavy storm or can a counter trap only be used against it?

Yes, but make sure the counter trap card says it can counter a magic card (or whatever else you want to counter). Same for quick play spell cards, but mystical space typhoon wouldn't work because mystical space typhoon only says that it destroys 1 spell or trap card on the field. It does NOT say that it negates the effect.

What if you activate mystical space typhoon and you want to destroy his 1 trap card on the field which is hidden and the opponent declares to activate it does it resolve?

Cards resolve in the opposite order that they are activated in. So, your Mystical Space Typhoon will be chain link 1, and their Trap will be chain link 2. That means their trap will resolve first, and MST will resolve afterwards.

Can a card like Mystical Space Typhoon or De-Spell destroy a Field Card in Yugioh?

Yes, both Mystical Space Typhoon and De-Spell can destroy a Field Spell card in Yu-Gi-Oh. When you activate these cards and target a Field Spell, you can destroy that Field Spell card.

What does mystical space typhoon do?

It destroys one magic or trap card on the field. It is chainable. *NOTE* It does NOT negate the effect of a spell or trap card. It destroys one Spell or Trap card on the field. This Spell or Trap card does not have to be one of your opponent's ones; it can be any Spell or Trap card on the Field. It is clearly stated in the text at the bottom of the card. Destroys 1 magic (spell) or trap card on the field. Really now.....don't be lazy.

What is Mystical Space Typhoon?

Mystical Space Typhoon is a Quick-play Spell that destroys 1 Spell or Trap card on the field. It's more useful than the Trap Dust Tornado, since you can use MST as soon as it's in your hand (assuming you have a S&T zone open).

Can you mystical space typhoon a mystical spacetyphoon?

yes, but it would be useless to do that. you would be better off to wait for a better card

If 'Mystical Space Typhoon' targets a 'Reinforcements' trap card which is face down on the field can it be activated?

If the controller of Reinforcements has a monster face-up on the field, you can chain Reinforcements to Mystical Space Typhoon, because both Reinforcements and Mystical Space Typhoon are Spell Speed 2.