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Q: Can the bonus wheel be spun in either direction?
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What was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle for May 23 2014?

The solution was Going Overboard.*Contestant spun the $100,000 card for the only time this season, and did not win.

What are some 4-letter words with the letter U as the third letter?

Pout, crum, drum, spun, glue, blue, true, clue, plum, glum, bout, plug, glub, club. Hope this helps.

Is Mona a Mario character?

Kinda, it depends on how far you go in considering what is a Mario game. The Mario series have many spin-off series and many series started off as Mario games. Some are the Yoshi's Island series, the Donkey Kong Country series, the Wario Land series, and the WarioWare series. Since Mona is in the WarioWare series, which was spun-off of Wario Land, which was a spin-off of Super Mario Bros, you could say that Mona is a Mario character.

How do you use the itemfinder in emerald?

After beating May on the way to Mauville City (which I think we all know is not the easiest part of the game), she gives you the itemfinder. It can help you locate what the game calls "invisible items", even though you can walk on the spot that they are on, so I guess they're buried or something. Usually, there will be a spot set apart from the ground around it where the item is, like a spot of short grass in the middle of a patch of tall grass. If you want to use the itemfinder, go to "BAG" in the menu (open the menu by pressing "START"), go to the "KEY ITEMS" pocket, and scroll down until you highlight "ITEMFINDER". Press the "A" button. Select "USE"*. The screen will go back to the field. You will hear three beeps, one loud, one soft, and one loud. You will then turn in the direction the item is in**. Work your way towards the item until you spin in a circle and the itemfinder shakes wildly. Step one place of the spot you spun on and click "A" facing the spot and you have found a hidden item! *You will also have the option of registering the itemfinder, which means you can use it at any time by pressing "SELECT". However, I recommend registering your bike, or if you are fishing, your fishing rod once you obtian those items. **If there is no item within the screen that you are standing in on the field, the itemfinder will not respond.

What are 4 letter words with the letter p in the middle?

aped, aper, apes, apex, apod, apos, apps, apse, epee, epha, epic, epos, opah, opal, oped, open, opes, opts, opus, spae, spam, span, spar, spas, spat, spay, spaz, spec, sped, spew, spin, spit, spiv, spot, spry, spud, spue, spun, spur, upas, upby, updo, upon43 wordsalps, amps, apps, asps, bops, cape, caph, capo, caps, cepe, ceps, cope, cops, copy, cups, daps, dips, dipt, dopa, dope, dopy, dupe, dups, espy, expo, fops, gape, gaps, gapy, gips, gyps, haps, hips, hope, hops, hype, hypo, hyps, impi, imps, jape, jupe, kapa, kaph, kepi, keps, kept, kips, koph, kops, laps, lept, lipa, lipe, lips, lope, lops, maps, mips, mope, mops, mopy, napa, nape, naps, nipa, nips, nope, oops, ouph, papa, paps, pepo, peps, pipe, pips, pipy, pope, pops, pupa, pups, pupu, qoph, rape, raps, rapt, repo, repp, reps, ripe, rips, rope, ropy, saps, sept, sipe, sips, soph, sops, supe, sups, tapa, tape, taps, tepa, tipi, tips, tope, toph, topi, topo, tops, tups, type, typo, typp, typy, umps, urps, waps, wept, wipe, yaps, yeps, yipe, yips, zaps, zeps, zips129 words

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What was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle for May 23 2014?

The solution was Going Overboard.*Contestant spun the $100,000 card for the only time this season, and did not win.

What goddess spun a wheel?

Athene spun a wheel to do a tapestry, competing with a mortal(called Arachne) who claimed she was better than Athene.

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A wheel of wow is a wheel, when spun and stopped, it gives you an item or kinzcash.

How was the first sewing machine powered?

by a wheel which was spun

Can you use had spun in a sentence?

She proudly showed off the had spun sweater she had created from scratch.

What is a measuring wheel?

It is spun and gives you the weight or height or length.

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Any wool is suitable for weaving, either spun or not spun.

Why are mud guards provided on the cycle wheels?

To prevent the mud being spun off the wheel in the direction the mudguard covers (usually where the passenger/driver sits) as the wheel spins. If you ride a bicycle without mudguards, you get a muddy stripe up your back when the road is wet.

What is the perfect tense of spin?

I spunned my top aroundand around until it falls.

What does la roulette mean in French?

Roulette wheel - but I guess you knew that. It can also mean caster or pottery wheel. Basically a wheel whcih is spun horizontally.

How do you use the word spoke in a sentence?

A wheel needs more than one spoke. You should have seen me when my favorite celebrity spoke to me.

How has wheel affected the society?

Its spun us right round, baby right round