It really depends on the movesets.
I'll replace hitmonchan with dragonite.
I'd say you shouldn't have Pidgeot because you already have a Charizard, which is fire and flying. I have Charizard, Nidoqueen, and Lapras. I think they are very good. But I did have a Jolteon and I found it to be very weak. Replace Hitmonchan and Joteon with a ghost and a ground type.
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Charizard, Vaporeon, Bellossom, Pikachu, Pidgeot and Mewtwo
Okay, remember when Ash released Charizard? Pidgeot will probably come back and battle with him again. *Fixed the previous guy's horrible English.* Previous Answer: ok rember when ash relased charizard pidgeot probaly come back and battle with him again!!!!!!!!
It depends who you chose. If you chose Squirtle he will have Venusaur, Arcanine, Gyarados, Rhydon, Pidgeot and Alakazam. If you chose Bulbasaur he will have Charizard, Rhydon, Pidgeot, Alakazam, Exeggutor and Gyarados. And if you chose Charmander he will have Blastoise, Pidgeot, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Alakazam and Rhydon. So you will need a water type for Arcanine, Charizard and Rhydon. An Ice type for Pidgeot, a dark type for Alakazam and Exeggutor, an electric type for Gyarados and Blastoise, and a fire type for Venasaur, so the best team would be Raichu, Haunter, your starter, Alakazam, Onix and Pidgeot.
Use scizor and charizard keep the other Pokemon and get rid of pidgeot and donphan, THAT TEAM ROXSa Pokemon suggestion would be snorlax it is very powerful, and can learn tons of different TMsI restarted my game, and im at victory road right now, and my party is charizard, scyther, pidgeot, snorlax, laparas, which is also really strong, and dragonair.GOOD LUCK THAT TEAM LOOKS VERY PROMISING., wingaurd
All depends on u and the Pokemon and there stats. For starter teams: -blastoise/vaporeon -charizard/arcanine -venusaur/vileplume/eggecutor -dragonite -snorlax -pidgeot/dotrio/fearow
Your team is too weak to Electric and Ground, you should consider replacing Lapras with Blissey.
In order to have this team, you need to pick one starter and trade the other two from other games: Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Jolteon Pidgeot Gengar
yes you can,...the pokemon i used were pidgeot, charizard, venusaur, blastoise, Alakazam and Jolteon... Try to have 6 different types of Pokemon in your helps...alot.. bye for now...
Here are the 3 best teams 4 Pokemon fire red 1. Venasaur moltres lapras primeape Butterfree Raichu 2. Blastoise Vileplume Pidgeot Raichu (or jolteon) Nidoking articuno 3. charizard vaporeon(or gyrados) Jolteon nidoking kadabra haunter
Kanto Hoenn Sinnoh Raichu Charizaird Gyrados Vileplume or Victreebell Tyrnitar or Hypno Dragonite My kanto team was yellow version Sandslash Nidoqueen w blizzard Clefable Charizard Pidgeot and of course Pikachu
Who wouldn't be good with a name like that.
feraligatr, charizard, amphardos, sczisor, pidgeot, arcanine
They need to be 2-5 levels stronger. Fight the 4 a win a few matches to get experience. Get jolteon to a much higher level. Very good type selection.
Charizard, Vaporeon, Bellossom, Pikachu, Pidgeot and Mewtwo
Btw his Charizard has Charizardite Y and his Mewtwo has Mewtonite Y.
yes!its the good pokemon to use in the league!
PIDGEOT, AERODACTYL, CHARIZARD, FEAROW, DODRIO are what i can think of right now