Yes. If the silverfish is touching you, and either it or you change Y-coordinates, it does 1 point of damage. Of course, a swarm is more likely to cause a lot of damage than a lone silverfish.
Get out a raw porkchop and right click on it if the wolf is hurt.
They spawn in most forest biomes, I think they spawn most rapidly in pine forests.You take them with bones and give them meat to heal them if they get hurt. You can tell if they are hurt by how high their tail is. If you give them any cooked meat when they are at full health you can breed them (if you have 2 wolves). Read on the minecraft wiki ( to learn more about them.
In Minecraft Classic, mobs can't spawn, so they can't exist naturally. If you play the Survival Test, and when mobs spawn there, you can save it and open it in creative mode so then the mobs can stay there. However, in Minecraft Creative Mode, mobs can spawn, but they can't hurt you because you have no healthbar.
100% minecraft
You can email Minecraft if you have any questions about Minecraft. That's what the Minecraft Help Email is.
Silverfish do not eat anything on Minecraft. You can't feed any hostile mob.
Sliverfish does not fly.It just has a pair of wings.
Squids can't hurt you in Minecraft.
yes they do
if you download the wrong minecraft that is the 0.37
So far no
wrong category. go to science NOT DATING RELATIONSHIPS
Lava or make a hole and they "fall" through it
if you know what your doing then no. But if you have no clue .jar means the you don't want to do it.
The scientific name for silverfish is Lepisma saccharina.
Get out a raw porkchop and right click on it if the wolf is hurt.