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Q: Can ralts learn cut
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Does ralts learn disable?

no, but you can do so buy breeding a ralts,kirlia or gardevoir with a grimer or muk

What level does ralts learn confusion?

LEVEL 7,8,9

How do you learn destiny bond on ralts?

Put it in a daycare with wynaut

What level will Ralts learn psychic?

ralts should evolve somewhere around lv. 20 but if you dont let it evolve it will learn psychic earlier than usual and it will learn psychic at lv. 26. If you choose to let it evolve before this you should learn psychic around lv. 32

Can makuhita learn flash in Pokemon emerald?

sadly,no but I know that ralts, lombre and dustox can learn it if you give half a sheet

Can makuhita learn flash?

No, sorry. If you are at Dewford Island, some available Pokemon that can learn it is Ralts, Shroomish and Dustox. Hope this helps :)

When does kirlia learn psychic?

Ralts lvl 28 Kirlia lvl 31 Gardevoir lvl 33

What level does ralts learn a move?

Ralts learns confusion at level 6 and its the only attacking move it can learn until level 26 when it learns psychic also if you wanted to know what level it evovles it does at lv 20 or how to get gallade you need it to be a male and you also need a dawn stone at lv 30

Can hoppip learn cut?

no, it cannot learn cut.

Can metapod learn cut?

It cannot learn Cut.

Is ralts a good pyschic Pokemon to get on emerald?

yes ralts can learn shock wave psychic and wen it evolves to kirlia it learns magical leaf and wen it evolves to gardevor/gallade it learns future sight or leaf blade

What level does Meowth learn Cut?

It doesn't learn Cut by level, though it can learn it through the Cut HM.