No. Zen is not a legal Scrabble word.
No. Le is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. IQ is not allowed in Scrabble.
Yes. Ma is a Scrabble word.
No. Rez is not a legal Scrabble word.
No. Av is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Ac is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. NASA is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Zen is not a legal Scrabble word.
No. Le is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. IQ is not allowed in Scrabble.
Yes. Ma is a Scrabble word.
No. Rez is not a legal Scrabble word.
The Official Scrabble Dictionary lists lo as an acceptable Scrabble word. It is used to attract attention or to express surprise.
Yes. Whoa is a legal Scrabble word.
Yes. Colloid is allowed in Scrabble.