Yes it can play offline games. Online games are linked through Xbox Live which is a subscription based service provided by Microsoft.
Linking to Xbox live will update your dashboard and provide you with new features. Hoever if you connect to Xbox live which an Xbox or 360 which has been chipped then it will prvent you from using that xbox online.
Yes. Requires internet conectivity.
you should be able to play it offline like ps3 and other consoles that doesnt require internet connection
I believe it can also play DVD's, and the newer Xbox 360 can also access Facebook and Twitter if you have an internet connection (might need Live membership though)
no you don't need Microsoft member ship to play online, do for xbox because xbox isn't a receiver .. its more like a connect receiver that needs to be plugged in. they charge you to play live bc xbox isn't a connection like the computer. a computer is a connection to the internet, so this is pretty much what ur asking, do u need to pay to play online PC games on the internet?:No.
Yep. Age of Empires two can be played without any internet connection. The built-in internet play has actually been disabled but you can still play online using something called gameranger. Google it if you decide to play online.
No, an internet connection is not needed to play Xbox 360 games. The Xbox 360 was introduced in 2005.
Xbox Live requires an internet connection, either by wireless adapter or ethernet cable.
Yes it does. Without internet there is no way for it to send or receive messages or play online games.
Yes, You need an internet connection because when you are on Xbox Live you are using the internet from your router.
You need an Xbox, or Xbox 360, and an Internet connection for Xbox Live. No computer required.
yes with a hard drive in the xbox and a internet connection
a xbox a controller a tv a internet connection a brain
No, but you need internet connection.
Yes games can be played offline without a problem. If you are buying the console new though, you will have to connect the console to the internet for the initial setup.
yes with a hard drive in the xbox and a internet connection
You can play online 2 player but you cannot do this without internet connection.