I'm not sure, because I've seen these ghost pet type things and I don't know where to buy them. I have a pet and i don't want it to die on moviestarplanet.
All you have to do is not feed the animal.... Anyways why would you want to kill your boonies. My username is Poppy0529... Need anymore help or questions just note me on moviestarplanet.
they can die if they don't get all of there needs or wants or food
pets cant die BUT they can run away if you dont feed them or give them enough water... meaning they basically do die. if they do run away just buy a new one from taverley and take better care of it ;) good luck.
he didnt die he went to mollys planet to put a rose on her grave
for the PC yes,for the ps2 you are immortal inless you die by fire or something like that
Yes he is so sexy and cute I will die to see him if
none because if they do they die
1.)The sun is a star not a planet 2.)Yes The sun can kill you from the heat
Die Hard with a Vengeance
All you have to do is not feed the animal.... Anyways why would you want to kill your boonies. My username is Poppy0529... Need anymore help or questions just note me on moviestarplanet.
Jabba dies in the 6th movie Return of the Jedi.
No; Bruce Willis stars in Die Hard.
Yes, Starscream does die in Dark of the Moon, all the Decepticons do.
He died of a heart attack at age 36
no- Plo Koon dies in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith over the planet of Cato Neimoidia
No, only your pets can die of old age
saving young anakin(liea and Hans youngest on) from a planet about to die/blowup cant remember the exact thing or the planets name