No, they can not. They can not learn to use any ranged weapon, or daggers, or staves (staffs). They can use everything else.
You can get it in Yulgar
What sort of question is that? You asked a noob question so I'm guessing you're like level 7. You realise the level cap is over 40 now and the best daggers are unusable for you. Anyway, probably by completing a quest then accepting whatever you find. You can get weapons double your level but they're unavailible in shops so keep them in your bank till you can use them.
Yes you can make a profit but the better thing would be to high alch magic short bows.
Shuriken Katana Daggers Metsubushi (Blinding powder) Cane Sword Crossbows Bow & Arrow Caltrops Poison Darts Shuko Explosives
Any druid can never use a sword. Only staves, fist weapons, daggers, one handed and two handed maces Tauren Druids will never want to use swords or maces as they do not benefit you, They will need staves and wands because they will make you more powerful with spirit, Intellect and stamina. Only use staves and wands for druids. - i disagree with the above, hes right that they cant use swords, but they can use polearms, which can the + power in forms.. but to get more down to what i dissagree with, some druids WILL want to use maces and pole arms because they often have higher strength and agility, not every druid is going to be balance or resto, infact, many are favoring feral right now. so use what ever the hell you want on your druid. i know i will be
Rogues are the class that use daggers, but all the classes can use them.
Woman used daggers
daggers daggers daggers
they kill him with a daggers
To "shoot daggers" with your eyes is simply a phrase people use. It means to give someone a dirty, angry look. Ex: A person you hate walks into the room. You "shoot daggers" with your eyes at them because you don't want them there. People often use this symbol to describe "shooting daggers" : >> ">>" represents eyes.
No, they can only use swords,daggers and staffs
The Romans used daggers because they were the small weapons of the time. For example, a soldier had his gladius, (sword) comparable to a rifle, and he had his pugio, (dagger) comparable to a pistol or sidearm. Civilians used daggers for the same reasons that people today use handguns.
Daggers and Dirks.
Daggers is the nickname for the Dagenham and Redbridge football club.
Daggers is the nickname for the Dagenham and Redbridge football club.
Daggers are short knifes that people use to cut things or wound someone. Swords are sharp weapons used in the middle age. .............................. A dagger is a sharp pointed short knife whose main aim is stabbing and cutting So dagger is a form of knife. Swords are the extended versions of daggers. So you can include that from daggers, swords were evolved.
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