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No, not that i know of. I've heard a few people say they can but i don't believe it.

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Q: Can mobs on minecraft open doors?
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Are there mobs in creative mode in Minecraft?

In Minecraft Classic, mobs can't spawn, so they can't exist naturally. If you play the Survival Test, and when mobs spawn there, you can save it and open it in creative mode so then the mobs can stay there. However, in Minecraft Creative Mode, mobs can spawn, but they can't hurt you because you have no healthbar.

What are the new features in minecraft 1.2?

Lots of stuff. Redstone powered lamps, zombies breaking down doors, AI for all mobs (makes mobs smarter), and many others

How do you open wood doors in minecraft?

Right click on them

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You can download mobs minecraft comes alive

How do you not get mobs on Minecraft?

Put it on peaceful

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Where there enemies in minecraft before mobs?

Mobs are enemies, so I suppose that there wouldn't have been.

Do mobs in minecraft spawn in water?

No, mobs will not spawn in water or ontop of half slabs.

How do you open Iron doors in Minecraft?

Iron doors in Minecraft have to be open with redstone mechanics. So to open the door you would have to connect a lever, a pressure plate, or button to the door.

What enemies can open a door in minecraft?

something called silverfish will be able to eat wood. now zombies can break down doors! And villagers can open doors. Now in 1.2, zombies can break through wooden doors, not iron doors. And if you are playing in a PvP minecraft server, an enemy faction(army) can overtake you territory and open your doors. Also if there are wooden pressure plates outside the door mob can stand on them and the door will open.

How do you make creeper children on Minecraft?

Creepers can not have kids in vanilla Minecraft. No hostile mobs in Minecraft can be bred.

What Minecraft mobs cant make sound?

The squid