

Best Answer

yes but you have to fallin love forst ad get married

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Q: Can girls get pregnant on sims 3?
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Can you get pregnant in Sims 2 pets for PS2?

no you can only be pregnant in sims 2 and sims 3

How do sims get pregnant on Sims 3 DS?

you cant get your sims preganat on sims 3 only on ambitions

Can you make a sim in sims 3 for iPhone pregnant?

no they can not you need to get sims ambitions to get pregnant

Can you make Sims 3 teens pregnant?

No, teens can not have children in the sims 3.

How long do you have to dance to the music in order to get pregnant with twin girls on sims 3?

Dancing doesn't do anything, if you want your Sim to have girls their chances are higher if they eat watermelon.

How do you get your sims pregnant on dsi Sims 3?

Can't, unfortunately

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How long are sims pregnant for in Sims 3?

They are 3-4 sim days long.

Can you get pregnant on my sims 3 app?

No. You can WooHoo, but you cannot get pregnant.

How do you give birth to twin girls on sims?

you can cheat, or just have the father rub the pregnant sims belly a lot. But even then you dont know if you will have twin girls.

Can 2 girls woo-hoo on the sims 3?

They could on sims 2, why not on sims 3??? :PPhotofreak:Yes, they can.

Can girls propose to girls on sim's?

On sims 2 and 3 you can. I'm not sure about sims 1.