Spiritomb Milotic Lucario Roserade Garchomp Gastrodon
I think so. I have 4 of those on my team :)
aaahh a good question she most definetely has a spiritomb which has weaknesses in dark type,and i can beat him with move grass knot for 4 or 3 times. i beat him with my starter. her signature Pokemon is garchomp which u need a good ice Pokemon to beat i recommend jynx she also has a milotic i recommend luxray if u hav it she also has gastrodon pretty weak stay with luxray or torterra she also has a lucario now staraptor or pshycic Pokemon to finish it off theres a roserade if u hav it finish her off with in infernape or rapidash or u can stay with staraptor this is the order she used on me she may change it 4 u :spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,garchomp,lucario,roserade. and this is in order of strongest to weakest :garchomp,lucario,spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,roserade. plz give me any more pokequestions u have
make your floatzel learn icebeam by TM but level it up first because her garchomp has giga impact.
Spiritomb Milotic Lucario Roserade Garchomp Gastrodon
diamond and pearl spirttomb garchomp roserade gastrodon milotic and lucario platinum spirttomb garchomp roserade lucario milotic and togekiss
Floatzel Snorlax Heracross Roserade Staraptor Empoleon/Torterra/Infernape
In Pokemon Diamond (and Pearl), Cynthia's first Pokemon is a Spiritomb. Her other 5 Pokemon are Garchomp, Gastrodon, Roserade, Milotic, and Lucario.
I think so. I have 4 of those on my team :)
1. Spiritomb 2. Lucario 3. Garchomp 4. Gastrodon 5. Roserade 6. Milotic
Aaron: Beautifly Vespiquen Heracross Dustox Drapion Bertha: Hippowdon Golem Sudowoodo Quagsire Whiscash Flint: Infernape Ponyta Steelix Lopunny Drifbim Lucian Mr. Mime Girafarig Bronzong Medicham Alakazam Bonus: Cynthia's Pokemon Spiritomb Garchomp Roserade Gastrodon Lucario Milotic
It all depends on what moves they know, as a general warning remember that Roserade has a great Special Attack stat, so use only special moves like Sludge Bomb and Leaf Storm and teach Luxray Ice Fang to have a way to counter Ground types.
You should change: gyarados to swampert Dialga to Lucario Infernape to Rapidash with Flash Fire as an ability Ambipom to Staraptor/gliscor/Scizor Make sure You have the right moves
aaahh a good question she most definetely has a spiritomb which has weaknesses in dark type,and i can beat him with move grass knot for 4 or 3 times. i beat him with my starter. her signature Pokemon is garchomp which u need a good ice Pokemon to beat i recommend jynx she also has a milotic i recommend luxray if u hav it she also has gastrodon pretty weak stay with luxray or torterra she also has a lucario now staraptor or pshycic Pokemon to finish it off theres a roserade if u hav it finish her off with in infernape or rapidash or u can stay with staraptor this is the order she used on me she may change it 4 u :spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,garchomp,lucario,roserade. and this is in order of strongest to weakest :garchomp,lucario,spiritomb,milotic,gastrodon,roserade. plz give me any more pokequestions u have
Roserade does not evolve.
The team he has on youtube is empoleon, garchomp, roserade, rapidash, honchkrow, and im sorry i forget the 6th Pokemon but i recommend using this team balanced and just great overall