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Q: Can an adult female and elder male have babies on the Sims 2?
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In the sims 2 PC can the girl elder have a baby?

Unfortunately Your Elder girl cannot have a baby, Only adults and young adult females can. If your female was a adult and the male was a elder then its possible. But the female has to be a adult or young adult. Hope this helped, Georgia

Can a young adult date an adult on the sims 3?

Yes, young adults are permitted to date adult Sims as well as elder Sims.

Can a young adult marry a elder in the Sims 3?

They sure can.

Can teen sims get tattoos in The Sims 3?

No. Your sims need to be one of the following: Young Adult - Any Tattoo Adult - Any Tattoo Elder - (Unknown)

Can you have babies on the Sims for Wii?

yes, it has seven age groups! baby,toddler,child,teenager,young adult, adult, and elders but you cant on the wii version it has 4 age groups kid teen adult and elder sorry

Can you be married to 2 people in the sims 2?

Nope, you can have affairs with other adult or elder sims if you want though.

Does Sims 3 have pets?

I have played SIMS 3 Before. As i soor on my PC you can have a Baby,Toddler,Child,Teen,Young Adult, and Adult , and Elder. Alot Huh?

How many babies can sims have?

I know Sims can have 2 babies at once with a cheat. But you can have as many as you want just as long as your sim is an adult and a female and you have less than eight people in your family but you can make the kids move out once they are old enough, so it is endless !

Can sims have babies on sims 2?

Yes, Sims can have babies (and they can adopt you don't have to have a partner for this or you can be lesbian or gay) as long as you have a male and a female adult Sim they may have children. To have children get the man and the woman to relax on a bed, when they are on the bed click try for a baby, if it has been successful you will hear a little chime afterwards.

Are there pre- teens on the sims 2?

No, the age stages are; baby, child, teen, adult and elder.

In sims life stories what life stages are there?

baby, toddler, child , teenager, adult, elder

Do you go through life from baby to adult on the sims 3?

yeah, new born, toddler, child, teenager, young adult, adult, elder