Depends on the level. A level 1 squirtle will not win against a level 53 Charizard, for example, despite the typing.
Well if Gary is your rival than it depends on what starter you pick but he has the same Pokemon but his squirtle or charmander or bulbasuar is now at the third prestige blastoice or charizard or venisuar.
Pokemon Trainer uses Ivysaur, Charizard and Squirtle.
Use Charizard And Legendary Pokemon. Train to Level 80. Beat Garyy Is Easy
You have to Beat Prof.Oak and Beat him with a Pokemon with "Rough Pearl" Attached to it.
There is no specific best berry but depending on the Pokemon you are using certain berries can pull a victory out of nowhere. For example say you have heracross verse charizard your already thinking charizard will win but you use rock slide to beat it but charizard doesn't faint and uses fire blast heracross doesn't faint but it will on the next turn, also heracross is slower than charizard so charizard will beat it because of its slower speed. But your salac berry activates and you use rock slide again and defeat charizard.
Pikachu Pidgeotto → Pidgeot BulbasaurCharmander → Charmeleon → Charizard Squirtle
Yes it is. Ash's Squirtle is now equivalent Ash's Charizard, both in physical and special strength. So most likely, Squirtle shares the same the same title as Charizard, and by title, I mean that Ash now has two Pokemon that are the strongest of all his other Pokemon. It's true that Charizard is far superior to Squirtle in both size & evolution stage, but there's more to a Pokemon's strength than both size & evolution stage. So frankly, Charizard being far superior to Squirtle in size & evolution stage doesn't make him far superior to Squirtle in either physical or special strength! Charizard used to be far superior to Squirtle in physical strength and special strength in earlier episodes, but not anymore! Because now, things have changed since their fight against Brandon, Squirtle had finally caught up to Charizard. So now, Squirtle has either evened the number of steps with Charizard, or he's at least one step ahead of Charizard now.
down b
If you mean Charizard then you have to beat red, who you find in Mt. Silver, then you head to professor Oak's lab, which is in Pallet town, and he will let you choose a Kanto region starter pokemon, Bulbasaur, squirtle, or charmander. if you want to get Charizard choose Charmander and then you level it up to lvl. 18 then it will evolve into Charmeleon then you lvl. it up to 36 and then it will evolve into Charizard. it is really hard to beat Red so watch out. that's how you get Charizard.
yes ;because with squirtle you get raikou and with balbasaur you get entei
you cant get Chairzard unlees you choose charmander like i did.
Well if Gary is your rival than it depends on what starter you pick but he has the same Pokemon but his squirtle or charmander or bulbasuar is now at the third prestige blastoice or charizard or venisuar.
You cannot catch a charizard in heartgold,HOWEVER,once you beat the Champion/E4 you can go to Kanto,And go to Pallet town,you will eventually be able (After i geuss you could say,a mini-quest.) to pick a Kanto starter (Bulbasaur,Squirtle,Charmander),you can then level it up to the proper level and you will have obtained a Charizard. Hope i helped.
They are both Ash's pokemon, so they will never be in a battle against each other. Ash's squirtle is busy putting out fires in a small town, while Ash's charizard is training in a mountain range.
ash heads off to johto in episode 116 "The Rivalry Revival". in "Charizard's Burning Ambition" ash left his charizard in the charicific valley with liza in "Fire-ing Squad" ash competed in the fire and rescue grand prix and squirtle rejoined the squirtle squad as they were lost without a leader ash still owns both charizard and squirtle and can use them at any time bulbasaur remained in ashs party until "Bulbasaur... the Ambassador!" where he sent it to professor oak to stop the Pokemon fighting
You can get Charizard in Pokemon Blue by trading with a friend who has Pokemon Red,Blue,Yellow or starting out with a Squirtle from Proffesor Oak and evolving it at Level 16 to get a Charmeleon, then evolving the Charmeleon at Level 36 to get finally get Charizard.
He has 3 pokemon: Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard.