

Can Pokemon forget TM moves

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Yes, Pokémon can forget TM moves. The Move Deleters can delete TM moves and during Pokémon's level ups, in the event of attempting to know a new move, you can overwrite any of the four existing moves as long as it isn't a HM move.

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I don't think any TM moves were removed from Unova for Kalos in Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, they areN just in different places.

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Pokemon cant forget hm thay can only forget TM

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The Tm's are moves that can be tought to certain pokemon e.g:pikachu can learn thunderbolt.

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HM's and TM's

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Talk to the Pokemon who did link your moves together, on the menu there should be a way to delink them. You can also forget a move linked with another(by using a TM or leveling up) and they will become delinked.

How do you make a Pokemon forget a TM IN pearl?

uhh teach it a differant move over it(yeah its fun to learn HA HA) You can also go to pastoria city and then go into a house in one house there is a man who makes your Pokemon forget moves

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u have to go to my Pokemon in the trainer HQ then click on the Pokemon then go down to the moves and check them u can only know 4 moves to learn a TM it is the same thing but the TM's are below the other moves.

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you can get a rock climb TM (i forget where) and teach it to an able pokemon.

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Give the hm or TM to your Pokemon

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go to your TM pocket,choose a TM,choose a Pokemon that has able under its name,then if it has 4 moves delete one.

Action replay individual TM codes for Pokemon Pearl?

here are some TM and hm moves for Pokemon pearl and diamond.1gnh3ditr fj3jfod95 2fsdfhujhfh6uuufjfg3fgjhfgj6u86867684te6546gfbhfy6570555ghfghhttrhtfhfhft6ghhtyy66uujjgyikk7kkkk87iikygjyi7778kkkkkgkkku8i7i7i79jyjyttktktykkkkk7i7108985697899597