nope! well..technically yes because Master chief could deactivate her permanently and she wouldn't live so to speak...but literally? no
Cortana is the name of the Master Chief's AI side-kick.
Master Chief of the Spartans: John 117, and cortana
No he watches cortana finger her holographic self and he enjoys watch grunt lesbian sex
Master Chief's name is John-117. 117 is his service tag.In the last level when master chief and the arbiter are trying to survive.. And master chief gets hit with a warthog. He climbs up to the thing that cortana was standing on he lays back on it. Then cortana says his name but she says it really quietly she says " It's been an honor serving u Jon You really have to listen. end it again and try to here what she says.AT the end of the game Cortana says how its been an honor serving john 117(a.k.a Master Cheif)If you've gotten all the skulls including the silver ones if you turn on the fourth silver skull you will be able to see his name in the John 117 monument ad.To visit the John 117 Monument got to or Xbox. com for further details
Master Chief Kill Em .
no. if you beat halo3 on legendary you see anther video it shows master chief and CORTANA alive
Cortana is an advanced holographic AI that helps Master Chief in his battle against the covenant. She is from the Halo series.
Cortana is the name of the Master Chief's AI side-kick.
Master Chief of the Spartans: John 117, and cortana
Yes Master Cheif has always liked Cortana since the second grade when he was at spartan school. Cortana went out with master Cheif in the 6th grade but ever since then their relationship has been off and on.
Master Chief 'lost' Cortana at the end of Halo 2 when she was required to detonate and activate an explosion. Master Chief needed to leave her behind while he escaped on the Prophet's Ship and returned to Earth. While being stranded alone on the Covenants' 'High Charity' Space Station, Cortana was asked questions by Gravemind and seemingly became brainwashed.
NO!Master chief dosent have a child with Cortan he cant even touch her,but if he could touch her I think I know where will he touch her first.
It is an AI storage unit that houses Cortana, his AI.
no she was the A.I. that helped the master chief and if you play halo 3 the beginning when she said she picked a spartan. well it wasn't master chief it was noble 6
master chief crashes on earth at the begining. both of them along with the arbiter crash on halo at the last level
No way! In the beginning of Halo 3, he falls out of space but he lives. If you beat Halo 3 on legendary, there is an alternate ending. Master Chief puts himself in an isolation pod and says to Cortana, "Wake me when you need me." and then falls asleep.
If your referring to the final cutscene in Halo 3, then no, Cortana didn't shield John when he set off the bomb. The Master Chief is already and augmented, physically enhanced Spartan, so shielding him would have been redundant and would have drained Cortana's power processes.