No. You will not be able to keep your 11000 gamerscore that you earned with an offline account.
I got f***ed myself, and lost 7000 worth of achievement's.
A gamertag is used online
no if online yes if offline
Offline marketing is the traditional and original way of marketing involving calling, advertising and mailing but no electronic marketing, hence offline. Nowadays companies tend to employ a mix of offline and online or just online marketing
Dead Space 2 can be played both offline and online.
No you can't play multiplayer offline only single player. But you can play it online with other online players.
I don't think it does I earned 2000 gamerscore when my Internet was down then when I got xbox live back it stayed at 39000 gamerscore
Gamer score updates automatically when you log in to XBox live.
Sure. However, it's pretty pointless. There is no value for a high gamerscore. You cannot purchase anything with gamerscore. It's just to show the achievements the person gained from playing their games. It's also not used for online reputations either.
i was playin offline when my cable went off then when it all came back online i lost my gs
I've beat it once but when i got back online for 360 my gamerscore and achievements deleted, soo i need to do it again. gamertag: xxstudbeast85xx
Search up online games that are easy to achieve gamerscore. The easiest I know of is Avatar The Burning Earth. This will take a whole 30 seconds to get all 1000 gamerscore. Youtube it for proof.
On COD BLack ops? Um you cant get gamerscore types no but you can get credits(online)
type in your email that you used for it and your password...then you can use your gamertag online
They are from the pc, online xbox live account. What ever achievements you earn from that game goes to your xbox live account's gamerscore and be classified as "Halo 2: PC".
it is a cable u can get from 1-800-4my-xbox. or buy one online at they are about $15. they transfer data to other hardrives and to memory units for xbox 360. or u can just hook your harddrive to a computer and hack your xobx and others. it can let u Mod your gamerscore and gamertag. free with this transfer cable. dont let people know u Mod with it tho.
it is a cable u can get from 1-800-4my-xbox. or buy one online at they are about $15. they transfer data to other hardrives and to memory units for Xbox 360. or u can just hook your harddrive to a computer and hack your xobx and others. it can let u Mod your gamerscore and gamertag. free with this transfer cable. dont let people know u Mod with it tho.
A gamertag is used online