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No it cannot. Eevee is a time, stone, and area depending Pokemon. To evolve to Umbreon what I did was get it to get to level 29 at night. And for Espeon I got it to level 30. You can max out its happiness, too. But I used levels. If you want Flareon you go to Diglett Tunnel and grab yourself a fire stone to use. Go to Poke Pelago and get thunder stones for Jolteon, Water stone for Vaporeon, and to get a Glaceon, go to that snowy place where the Pokemon Leuge.

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Are you talking about a Moon stone or a Dusk stone?

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first of all you dont get a dusk stone in firered secondly you must mean the moon stone

On Pokemon how do you get Eevee to evolve to Espeon?

You can use moon stone i think

Where can you find a dusk stone in Pokemon victory fire?

u dont need one. all pokemon that requires a special condition to evolve WILL evolve even without trading or using stones. except "eevee" ( with eevee moon stone will give u glaceon while leaf stone gives u leafeon ) hope it helps

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a dusk stone evolves dark types sun stone evolves grass types and moon stones evolve normal types

Is it possible to evolve Eevee into Espeon on Pokemon Yellow?

Ive hear my friends say that in Pokemon yellow you can evolve eevee in a espeon with a moon stone

What does a Moon Stone do to an Eevee?

It does nothing, due to Eevee not having a Moon Stone evolution.

What stones are there in Pokemon?

Moon stone, Leaf stone, Water stone, Fire stone, Dawn stone, Shiny stone, Dusk stone.

What are all the evolution stones in Pokemon what do the evolve and what do the Pokemon evolve into?

Fire Stone - Ponyta ; Growlithe ; Eevee ; Water Stone - Lombre ; Poliwhirl ; Shellder ; Staryu ; Eevee ; Leaf Stone - Weepinbell ; Gloom ; Exeggcute ; Nuzleaf ; Shiny Stone - Togetic ; Roselia ; Dusk Stone - Murkrow ; Misdreavus ; Dawn Stone - Kirlia ; Snorunt ; Thunder Stone - Pikachu ; Eevee ; Sun Stone - Gloom ; Sunkern ; Moon Stone - Nidorina ; Nidorino ; Clefairy ; Jigglypuff ; Skitty ; Oval Stone - Happiny ; Everstone - Makes the holder unable to evolve ;

Evolve Eevee with moon stone in fire red?

you cant evolve eevee with a moon stone

What is an evolution stone?

an evoloution stone is a special stone that evolves some Pokemon. EG: eevee: use a water stone on it to evolve it into a vaporeon fire stone on it for a flareon thunder stone for a jolteon there are lots of Pokemon an evoloution stone can evolve types of stone: fire stone water stone thunder stone dusk stone leaf stone shiny stone dawn stone sun stone moon stone