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No, Left 4 Dead does not have a split screen option. The only way to play with someone is online.

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Q: Can 2 people play left 4 dead on one tv?
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Can you play left 4 dead on your own?

One can definitely play Left 4 Dead on their own. But it is more enjoyable when other people are dying along with you. :)

Is left 4 dead 3 real?

No i dont think its real....i play left 4 dead the first one the time on my xbox.

How do you get three players on left 4 dead?

On one system? You can't. You can only play co-op between two people on one console because the split screen can't split up into three and still give you visibility you need to shoot the zombies. In order to play with three or four players on Left 4 Dead, two people can be on one console and the third and fourth can be on another or you can all be on separate consoles.

How do you play as an infected in left 4 dead splitscreen?

Sign in both controllers in the left 4 dead menu then go to vs when there press play with friends then pick who person (there needs to be one infected and one human) after that pick your level then press start enjoy:)

How many players can play on left 4 dead 2?

In **Left 4 Dead 2**, you can have up to **four players** on a team in co-op mode. Each player takes on one of the four survivors. The game also features a competitive Read more-tinyurl .com/25my6uzj

Do you need to be 13 to play left 4 dead?

Well it is rated M for mature, which is 17+ but no one really pays attension to it. If you parents allow you to play it, you can play it..

How many players is deadspace?

Deadspace is one player but dead space 2 will be online with a left 4 dead style play with 4 players as human and 4 as aliens

Can you play as tank in Left 4 Dead 2?

Yes, you also get anotherverity of zombies that you can play as such as the spitter, Jockey, and charger(Pluse all the other zombies from left 4 dead). So I would say its worth your money. Just to add one more thing that is not related to the question. There are more modes that you can play in such as scavenger, realism, and more.

Can you play as an infected in single player mode in left 4 dead?

Nope, you have to be online, or if more then one person is playing you both must be online

How do you play two people onlne?

you just play two people on the keyboard one plays with the letter w a d s and the other one plays with the sign up down and left rite

What town is left 4 dead based from?

One of the developers of Left 4 Dead said that it was based in or near Philadelphia, PA.

Is left for dead 2 on ps3?

Left 4 Dead 2 was released for Xbox 360 and PC.