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Relinquished can only ever initially reach the field by being summoned from hand, using an appropriate Ritual Spell Card - or by any card that specifically lets you summon a Ritual Monster from other zones.

Relinquished cannot be special summoned from deck by cards like Reasoning, or Mystic Tomato, etc.

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Q: Can 'Relinquished' be special summoned from the deck?
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How do you summon relinquished?

Relinquished is Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card Black Illusion Ritual. It requires a monster as a Tribute to Special Summon Relinquished from your Hand. Once Relinquished is successfully Ritual Summoned, if it is sent to the Graveyard, it is eligible to be Special Summoned from it. You cannot Special Summon Relinquished from the Graveyard unless it was successfully Ritual Summoned first.

Can gigantes be special summoned from your deck?

No, it can only be special summoned initially from your hand by removing one earth monster from play. Effects that special summon monsters from deck, cannot special summon a monster which is 'special summon only' because these monsters have to follow their own summon method. So you cannot special summon Relinquished using Mystic Tomato, it has to be Ritual Summoned or otherwise summoned by a card that says it can summon Ritual Monsters. Likewise, Gigantes can't be special summoned from deck by an external effect, and of course can't use its own effect while it is still in the deck.

Can relinquished be special summoned from the graveyard?

Ritual monsters may only be special summoned from the graveyard if they were successfully summoned by Ritual Summon. If they were sent there in any other way - like simply discarded from hand, or improperly summoned by Ritual Foregone (it special summons but does not Ritual Summon), then you cannot revive them from the graveyard with cards like Monster Reborn or Fulfillment of the Contract.

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No, "Uria" can only be Special Summoned from your hand.

How do you summon a 'Malefic Stardust Dragon'?

It can't be Normal Summoned or Set, and can't be special summoned except by removing from play a Stardust Dragon from your Extra Deck.

Can you special summon hamon lord of striking thunder from your deck?

No, you can't. The only time Hamon can be special summoned is while he's in your hand, by following the text on his card. If a monster can be special summoned from other zones, it will say so on the card.

Can you special summon the sacred beast from your deck and grave yard?

No, they cannot be special summoned except by following the text on their cards, and this can only be done while they are in your hand.

In Yu-Gi-Oh if your friend uses the effect of Mystic Tomato is he allowed to summon Relinquished?

No, because you cannot Special Summon Relinquished without the Ritual Spell Card "Black Illusion Ritual", since Relinquished is a Ritual Monster Card (That's why the Card is colored dark blue). But you can special Summon Relinquished from the graveyard with cards like Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted etc., as long as it was properly Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card before. If not, you are unable to Special Summon him. Hope that was not too much information at once ;P

How do you get relinquished?

Relinquished can be obtained in the following sets:Dark Beginning 1Master Collection Volume 1 PromosSpell RulerStarter Deck: Pegasus

What is relinquished?

It is a spellcaster ritual monster which can be ritual summoned with the ritual spell card "black illusion ritual"

Can you special summon a Earthbound Immortal from your deck?

Any appropriate effect can summon an Earthbound Immortal from deck, they have no innate restriction against this. Cards like 'Reasoning' can do it, and in the case of 'Wiraqocha Rasca', that one can be summoned by 'Mystic Tomato' (though it does not get its ATK gaining effect unless Normal Summoned).

Can 'Call of the Haunted' be used to special summon 'Cyber Twin Dragon'?

As long as the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' was properly summoned initially, by Fusion Summon, and was then destroyed, then yes, you can resummon it from the graveyard with 'Call of the Haunted'. If the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' got to the graveyard by the following methods - sent from Extra Deck by 'Gale Dogra', special summoned but not Fusion Summoned by 'Cyber Stein', or had its Fusion Summon negated, then it cannot be special summoned from the graveyard.