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Yes, in Poker, you can raise by increasing the amount of chips you bet during a betting round.

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Q: Can you raise in poker
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Can the small blind raise in a game of poker?

Yes, the small blind can raise in a game of poker.

Can the big blind raise pre-flop in poker?

Yes, the big blind can raise pre-flop in poker.

Can you raise after checking in poker"?

Yes, in poker, you can raise after checking if another player has already bet or raised before you.

What do you raise in poker?

Poker chips, above the amount of the call pre-flop

What is bluffing in poker?

In Poker, bluffing means to bet or raise with an inferior or weak hand.

In poker can you raise after everyone calls your bet?

No, you cannot raise yourself.

In limit poker what is the half or more rule?

When you raise less than half the previous bet its not considered a raise but if you raise by half or more than you have to raise

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What is the maximum raise in a game of poker?

The maximum is determined by the house or by the players.

What are levels in poker?

A level in poker refers to the round in a tournament. Tournaments raise their blinds and antes based on a time period - these are called rounds.

What are the release dates for Poker After Dark - 2007 Love at First Raise Part 1 3-49?

Poker After Dark - 2007 Love at First Raise Part 1 3-49 was released on: USA: 13 May 2008

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Poker After Dark - 2007 Love at First Raise Director's Cut 3-54 was released on: USA: 18 May 2008