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Go to the PlayStation Store after you look under games and don't find it and also look under downloads to make sure it is not still downloading. Then at the PlayStation store on the top where there is a search you can find your downloads on one of the symbols. When you click that you can download it again, then go right to your downloads after you let it download in the background. Once it is done downloading you have to click the symbol for the downloaded game under games to install it, once it is installed it will search for updates and more than likely need to be updated. You can not do the updates in the background so do not start the update unless you are willing to wait

Sometimes all the downloaded and installed PS3 games are in a file under games. In my PS3 I have over sixty PS3 games in the file and I need to click on it to open the file and then find and click on the individual game before I can play it. I also have a file under games for the mini and Playstation games

Also you may have to downlown the demo before the full game will work. It has happened to me twice.

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Q: Can't find Downloaded game on PS3?
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Once you've downloaded the game, it will be on your playstation 3. So all you have to do is once you are on the main screen of your ps3, go under the game category and you will find your downloaded games. Just click on the game you wish to play.

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Its realy obvious... if you downloaded a game you go into your game folder at the start up screen, if you downloaded a picture you go into your picture folder, and if you downloaded a video you go into your video folder... im surprised your even asking this question

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