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Red Velvet.

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Q: Cake name that start with the letter R?
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What are the name of shape that start with the letter R?

Two shapes beginning with r are rectangle and rhombus.

Famous people whose name start with the letter R?

Rajesh Mukherjee

What is another name for a gorge thats start with the letter r?

The word is ravine.

What are words that start with R and have to do with decorate?

· Red Velvet Cake

What is a Five letter word parts of a wedding cake?

A five letter word for parts of a wedding cake is 't-i-e-r-s'.

Who is an overseas basketball player whose name start with the letter R?

Ricky Grace

What guitar brands start with the letter R?

what all guitar brands start with the letter r

What are some adjectives that describe a cake and begin with the letter R?


What letter does rabbit start with?

The letter r.

Suggest a company name which will start with letter G J or R for a IT serviced company?

real staTE

What powerful things start with the letter r?

Powerful things that start with the letter r:radiationrainstormrecommendationredemptionrefereeregulationsrejectionreligionremarkrespectresponsibilityrestresultsrevengerevoltrevolverrhetoricrhinocerosrifleriotriverrocketRottweilerrumor

What Baby items that start with the letter r?

Rattle is a baby item. It begins with the letter r.