the most powerful grass type move is frenzy plant it has the stats 150 damage and 90 acuracy
grass knot
Because cut is the most basic move in pokemon
The most powerful move is frenzy plant. Only the grass type starters of each region can learn it from a guy on route 228.
ice type moves
The most effective type against Mudkip is the Grass type.
frenzy plant is the best grass type move, the user hits it opponent with an enormous tree!
frenzy plant
What works best on a grass type is fire, ice, flying, poison, or bug.
It's a dark type. Edit: it's a grass type move. It has 60 base power and 5PP (Power Points).
grass knot
Either use a Electric type move or Grass type move.
frenzy plant
no its normal
Torterra is the strongest Grass Pokemon in Diamona and Pearl.
Of course, a Grass type Pokémon can defeat a Bug type Pokémon. But Grass type moves are "Not very effective" against Bug type Pokémon, meaning the power of the Grass type move is halved.
No, Blizzard is an Ice type move. Not an Grass type.