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You can join at any age for activities like swimming and gymnastics, but if you want to do other activities like tread mils and weights most gyms would be 16+

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Q: At what age can you join a gym?
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Can a 13 year old girl join a gym?

It depends on the gym, but a lot of gyms will let you join if you are about 12 (with a parent's permission). Fitness 19, for example, lets you join at age 12. So at 13, you should be able to find a gym that will let you join.

What is ideally the minimum age to join a gym?

any age! my parents had me there when i was 1. i just was swimming w/ my mom but i was still their! The minimum age is 16

Is there any age limit to join a gym and does it effect our height growth?

People say that you should join the gym after your fully developed, around 18 years and older, but I'd say around 15-16 is fine

Where is a gym for kids?

8 Year olds are too young to join a gym. The age is 12 where you can join a gym.

Can you join Crunch Fitness at age eleven?

No. A gym membership is a contract. Contracts cannot be legally entered into with a minor.

How old do you have to be to go to golds gym?

You have to be 18 years old to join Gold's Gym. Some locations allow minors if they are accompanied by an adult.

What age do you have to be to join gym in NY?

i think so its 16 but if your 15 or 14 you can get an adult to sign you up for safety issues

Why to join gym?

Get fit like a tool

should I join Fitness 24 is it a good gym, and is it worth the money ?

It depends on the person. You can join any Fitness gym that you desire to join. You would have to go or ask around to see if the gym is good. You would have to ask around to see if it's worth your money.

Can kid join a gym club?

well... maybe no.