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Pokemon Black and Pokemon will be a 5th Gen new version that will include new Pokemon and region aswell as better graphics then the 4th gen games(pearl,diamond and platinum,heart gold,soul silver.)

The Japanese version will be released in Japanese in the Autumn season in for US/UK etc it will be released probably January 2011 or Xmas 2010....

This will be for the Nintendo ds/dsl/dsi/dsill/3ds

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Q: Are they going to make another Pokemon game?
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When will they make another poke'mon video game?

They are going to make Pokemon black and Pokemon white versions(the next Pokemon video games) in spring 2011.

Is there going to be a Pokemon game after Pokemon Black and White?

Nintendo Game Freak might be making a new Pokemon game after Pokemon Black and White and it will feature the Pokemon Kyurem. It'll be called Pokemon Grey. And also they might make a remake of the Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald game on Nintendo DS

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you should go to the store you bought it and ask if you can get another pokemon sappire game.

Is there going to be another Pokemon game featuring unova Pokemon?

Probably. With Diamond and Pearl, which was then the new region, the "sequel" is Platinum. Probably with the two new ones, Black and White, they will also make a sequel.

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What stone make a haunter evolve on Pokemon Pearl?

You have to trade to another game to make it evolve.

What would happen if you traded a black and white Pokemon to another game?

You cant trade black and white Pokemon to another game. They wouldn't have the sprite for it since they didnt make the sprites for black and white Pokemon in previous generations. Also the Pokemon move. They cant make Pokemon move in the previous generations.

Where to get the best Pokemon in HeartGold?

Depends what u think is best. Im not going to make a list of where to get every Pokemon in the game....

Is black and white the last pokemon game?

Yes. IF Ash finishes Unova they might make another game.

How do you get 3 starters in Pokemon Emerald?

You'll need 2 game cards and 2 DS's. Make one game with the Pokemon you want, then on the other make another game with a different Pokemon. Trade the 2nd Pokemon onto the 1st game, then delete data from the second game. Then make a 3rd game on the 2nd card and trade onto the first one. (:

How do you make a Pokemon team in Pokemon creator?

You can not make a team. I have it and i played it like 5 times already and I can not make a team. The only way is to forget about it and buy another pokemon game. This one is bad.