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Nag, nail, name, narrate, nationalize, navigate, need, neglect, negotiate, neutralize, nibble, nominate, normalize, nod, notice, notify, nourish, nurse and nurture are verbs. They begin with the letter n.

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Q: Are there verbs starting with the letter n?
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What are some regular verbs that begin with the letter N?

Some regular verbs that start with N are nag, nail and nap.Some others are nest, nod, note and number.

Is there a verb that starts with the letter n?

Navigate, negotiate, nibble, nod, notify, nourish, nurse and nurture are verbs. They begin with the letter n.

Verbs starting with n?

Adverbs: neatly, nicely, nudely... and I'm sure you can think of others. Sorry, I can't think of any verbs :S

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matriculate, maul, measure, maim