Nag, nail, name, narrate, nationalize, navigate, need, neglect, negotiate, neutralize, nibble, nominate, normalize, nod, notice, notify, nourish, nurse and nurture are verbs. They begin with the letter n.
a action verb starting with the letter Y could be yell.
Adverbs: neatly, nicely, nudely... and I'm sure you can think of others. Sorry, I can't think of any verbs :S
Holidays that start with the letter N
6 letter words starting and ending with N:napkinnationneuronnotion
none there is no amphibian starting with n
Some verbs starting with the letter a:ableabandonabductaccountaccuseaceactaddaddressadmireadoreafflictageaggravateaimalertanimateapproachapprovearearriveaskassistassociateassortattachattendavengeavoidawakenax
Some verbs that start with the letter P are:pounceprotectprepareplypretendprick
a action verb starting with the letter Y could be yell.
5 letter verbs beginning with E, O, N or Y: * enter * offer * order
No, there are no commonly used verbs in French that start with the letter "x." However, there are a few rare verbs such as "xénophobiser" (to xenophobize) or "xéroxer" (to photocopy) that start with the letter "x."
Some regular verbs that start with N are nag, nail and nap.Some others are nest, nod, note and number.
Navigate, negotiate, nibble, nod, notify, nourish, nurse and nurture are verbs. They begin with the letter n.
Adverbs: neatly, nicely, nudely... and I'm sure you can think of others. Sorry, I can't think of any verbs :S
matriculate, maul, measure, maim