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yes there is

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Q: Are there cheat codes for club penguin?
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What are some Club Penguin cheat codes?

You can go to cheat and get cheat codes.

What cheat codes on club penguin get you hair?

there arenet any

What are some cheat codes in club penguin?

There aren't any.

What are Cheat codes for black puffle in club penguin?

Have a poo

Where do you buy the cheat codes on club penguin?

barns and nobles or a school book fair has a book of club penguin cheats and secrets no codes though

What are some Club Pengiun Codes?

You cant cheat on club penguin. I know loads of codes but i am not telling anybody them

What are some cheat codes for club penguin that give money?


What is club penguin hair cheat codes?

you can get rally speshal items

Is there any coin codes for clubpenguin not used?

YES THERE SURE IS!!!!!.First you have to find a club penguin cheat site and type in coin codes in google club penguin and there is stacks of codes!!!!!.

What is a cheat code on clubpenguin?

There are really no cheat codes for club penguin. The best you can do is to keep playing minigames.

What are some club penguin cheat codes for you have a code?

Go to Say club peguine MISSON #.

What are some codes for club penguin to unlock ninja cards?

just put in the cheat club nazi