

Best Answer

Heather, heathen, sheathed, knee-high, see-through, telephotography.

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Q: Are there any words with 2 H's and 2 E's?
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What word has 2 E's in it?

Examples of words with two Es are:agreebreezecreeddeedeeriefreegreenheelindiscreetjeerkneeleemeetneedoverseepreenqueenreedseedtreeupkeepveerweekyippeezookeeper

What word has a v and 2 e's?

Some words with a V and 2 Es are:apprehensiveavenueaveragebeehivebelievedeceivedefectivedeservedetectiveeffectiveelevateendeavoreveneveryexecutiveexpensiveextensivefeverGenevaheaveninterviewirrelevantleavenlevelmedievalnerveneverpeeveperceivepreservepreventreceiverelativerelevantrelievereprievereservereservoirretrievereviewsleevetelevisionvalencevalentinevaudevilleveervegetablevehiclevelvetvendettaveneerveneratevengeanceventilateventurevergeversevertexvesselveteranviewerviolencevolunteervulnerableweaveweevil

What words have 3 e's and 2 r's?

Some words with three Es and two Rs are:breedercreepierevergreenperimeterpretenderrefrigerateregenerateremembertelepromptertemperature

What does hs mean in black ops?

hs is short for HS-10 a shotgun in Black Ops 1 email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...

2 S to ES?

2 s to es

What is electron configuration of Hs?

The electron configuration of Hassium (Hs) is [Rn] 5f^14 6d^6 7s^2.

What is a four letter word with 2 e's?

Some four letter words with double Es are:aleebeefbeenbeepbeerbeetCreedeeddeemdeepdeerepeefeedfeelfeetfleefreegleeheedheeljeepjeerkeelkeenkeepkneeleekleermeekmeetneedpeekpeelpeerreedreefreekreelseedseekseemseenseepseerteentheetreeveerweedweekweepwhee

What words have 2 Hs in them?

There are many. Two of the few with H's together are fishhook and hitchhiker. hurrah hush shush Hirohito hooch (see the related question)

What has the author L Clifford Soubier written?

L. Clifford Soubier has written: 'Post hospital, HS-2, new commissary, HS-4, old commissary storehouse, HS-5, quartermaster storehouse, HS-6, officers' quarters, HS-7' -- subject(s): Buildings, structures, Historic sites, House furnishings